Source :
Programme : PDF
Livret : PDF
The 1st international conference on artificIAl intelligence and applied MAthematics to History and Archaeology (IAMAHA), co-organised by CEPAM, INRIA Côte d’Azur and I3S, will be held in Nice on November 27-28, 2023.
The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to federate the different communities in the acronym IA-MA-HA and to foster new international collaborations. IAMAHA aims at gathering researchers carrying out their research activities at the intersection between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Applied Mathematics, from one side, and History, Archaeology and Art History, from the other. A focus on the issues concerning the use of AI into the fields of archaeology and history will be addressed.
The symposium will be structured around 4 half-day sessions covering 4 major research axes (more details in Program) :
AI-AM for history and philology
AI-AM for arts and archaeology of buildings
AI-AM for materials of the past (lithic, ceramic, organic, etc.)
AI-AM for modelling of socio-environmental systems
28, avenue de Valrose
06000 Nice, France
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à 20h par Sophie LALIGANT, Anthropologue. Professeure des Universités, Université de Tours dans le cadre des 44e RENCONTRES INTERNATIONALES D’ARCHÉOLOGIE ET D’HISTOIRE DE NICE CÔTE D'AZUR