projet : Project Theophrastus
Venue: Hyatt Regency New Brunswick
Host: William Fortenbaugh (Rutgers Classics University, emeritus; Founder, Project Theophrastus)
Co-Organizers: Robert Mayhew, Oliver Hellmann, Stefan Schorn, Arnaud Zucker
Thursday, September 12
9:00 Opening remarks – William Fortenbaugh
9:15-10:15 Chair: William Fortenbaugh – Speaker: Steve White
A Rhodian origin for the Eudemian Ethics?
10:25-11:25 Chair: Oliver Hellmann Speaker: Han Baltussen
Theophrastus’ on pleasure contra Plato (F 556 FHS&G)
11:35-12:35 Chair: Myrto Hatzimichali – Speaker: Georgia Tsouni
Theophrastus on fortune
12:35-2:35 Lunch break
2:35-3:35 Chair: David Lefebvre – Speaker: Charlotte Murgier
Theophrastus’ Characters and its Aristotelian background
3:45-4:45 Chair: Arnaud Zucker – Speaker: Pierre Destrée
Theophrastus on laughter
4:45-5:15 Coffee break
5:15-6:15 Chair: Robert Mayhew – Speaker: Sophia Connell
Theophrastus’ proto-ecological and environmental concerns
7-9 pm dinner
Friday, September 13
9:00-10:00 Chair: Oliver Hellmann – Speaker: Arnaud Zucker
Physiognomica, animals and ethics
10:10-11:10 Chair: Robert Mayhew – Speaker: David Lefebvre
The Magna Moralia
11:20-12:20 Chair: Stefan Schorn – Speaker: Marco Pelucchi
Ethical and non-ethical readings of Hieronymos of Rhodes’ fragments
12:20-2:20 Lunch break
2:20-3:20 Chair: Han Baltussen – Speaker: Jan Szaif
Aristotelian Ethics in the 2nd century BCE: Critolaus and his Contemporaries on the Human Telos
3:30-4:30 Chair: Steve White – Speaker: Brad Inwood
Sources of value in Doxography C
4:30-5:00 Coffee break
5:00-6:00 Chair: Sophia Connell – Speaker: Myrto Hatzimichali
Mining Aspasius for earlier Peripatetic ethical thought
6:00-6:15 Closing remarks – Conference organizers
7-9 pm dinner
Host: William Fortenbaugh (Rutgers University)
Robert Mayhew (Seton Hall University)
Oliver Hellmann (Universität Trier)
Stefan Schorn (KU Leuven)
Arnaud Zucker (Université Côte d’Azur)
Han Baltussen (University of Adelaide)
Sophia Connell (Birkbeck College, University of London)
Pierre Destrée (UC Louvain)
Myrto Hatzimichali (Cambridge University)
Brad Inwood (Yale University)
David Lefebvre (Sorbonne Université)
Charlotte Murgier (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Marco Pelucchi (KU Leuven)
Jan Szaif (University of California, Davis)
Georgia Tsouni (University of Crete)
Steve White (University of Texas, Austin)
Arnaud Zucker (Université Côte d’Azur)
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