Giulia Ricci

Post-doctorante, CNRS

CV : CV_RicciGiulia_CEPAM

After my degrees in Heritage Studies and Archaeology at the University of Florence, I completed my PhD in Prehistoric Archaeology in cotutorship between the University of Pisa and University of Paris – Nanterre, in September 2018, with a thesis on the human occupation of southern Italy during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. My research focuses on the question of technical traditions and innovations among hunter-gatherers during this transition. I focus on the study and interpretation of lithic technical systems in their various dimensions (knowledge, territories, structures). I am particularly interested in the processes of cultural transformation from the Palaeolithic to the Mesolithic, in Mediterranean Europe and southern Africa. As part of my last post-doctoral project funded by the ANR ‘The MileStone Age’, I am taking up the question of the role of the last glacial maximum in the evolution of human societies by looking at the technical traditions of the Robberg (a Later Stone Age technocomplex characterised by the almost exclusive production of bladelets and microbladelets) in South Africa. My analysis is based on the Heuningneskrans site in the Ohrigstad valley (Limpopo province).

Since 2014 I have been working in south-east France and the Liguro-Provençal arc. I have thus joined the research team working on the Jabron valley. As part of this project, I contribute to the study of lithic collections from excavations at the Prés de Laure site (new post-doc at CEPAM-Côte d'Azur University) as well as on satellite operations carried out in parallel. Since 2018, I have been coordinating research on two Mesolithic sites in the north of Var: La Baume de Monthiver (Comps-sur-Artuby) and Les Baumes de la Bruyère (Comps-sur-Artuby & Seillans). I am also part of the PCR PPSup “La Provence au Pléistocène Supérieur”, for which I co-direct two section: “Singularity of the Provençal space between the Last Glacial Maximum and the beginning of the Holocene” and “Database setting”.


Awarded research grants and contracts


3 post-doc grants;

19 total publications

4 post-doc short contracts (< 6 months);

7 publications peer-reviewed indexed journals

1 PhD scholarship;

10 publications as 1st or corresponding author


6 publ. in peer-reviewed conference proceedings

Fieldworks and research expeditions


2 directions of archaeological excavation

Fieldworks and research projects

More than 30 excavations (Italy, France, Oman and South Africa)

4 participations in international research project in France, Italy, Canada, and South Africa.

More than 10 research stay in universities and museums in EU and non-EU countries

Conference attendances


17 participations in (inter-)national lectures


9 oral presentations as 1st author
4 organization of Seminars and Conferences







PhD in “Prehistoric Archaeology” at the University of Pisa and University of Paris – Nanterre. Dissertation title: Tradition et innovations techniques chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs de la fin du paleolithique et du mesolithique ancien. Transformations techniques et strategies techno-economiques des productions lithiques à partir de cas d’etudes en italie du sud. Supervisor: F. Martini & É. Boëda. Summa cum laude.




M.A. in “Archaeology” at the University of Florence, Italy. Dissertation title: L’industria litica di Grotta Spagnoli (Foggia), strati Rosso a Pietrame (Rp) e Rosso Bruno (Rb), nel quadro del musteriano pugliese. Summa cum laude.




B.A. in “Cultural Heritage Studies” at the University of Florence, Italy. Dissertation title: L’Epigravettiano finale di Grotta del Cavallo (Nardò-Lecce), strato BIIIa-BIIId1, nel quadro delle produzioni tardoglaciali pugliesi. Summa cum laude.


  1. Post-doc CNRS contract ( University Nice cote d’Azur, CEPAM-UMR 7264.
  2. Post-doc CNRS within an ANR project. Project title: “The MileStone Age: Late Pleistocene chronology and technologies in southern Africa” dir. C. Tribolo & G. Porraz. LAMPEA -UMR 7269 (French), Witwatersrand University (South Africa) (from 10/01/2022 to 9/012023) (12 Months).
  3. Postdoctoral contract ( dans le cadre du PCR (Programme Collectif de Recherche): « PPSup » La Provence au Pléistocène Supérieur. (dir. Porraz G. et al.) (from 1/09/2021 to 1/10/2021) (1 Month).
  4. Post-doc Fondation des Treilles - Project grant holder. Project title: “ Les traditions techniques au tournant du Dernier Maximum Glaciaire en Afrique australe (25 000 – 15 000 ans cal. BP)”. Université d’Aix-Marseille, UMR 7269, LAMPEA. (from 1/03/2020 to 31/12/2020) (10 Months).
  5. Postdoctoral contract (, University of Siena, Department of History and Cultural Heritage, Italy. Project title "Revisione e aggiornamento dell'analisi dei manufatti litici dello strato I e N di Grotta del Cavallo (Nardò-Lecce). Project advisor: Prof. L. Sarti. (from 27/01/2020 to 27/022020) (1 Month).
  6. Post-doc FMSH - Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme : “Towards Microlithism : les changements techniques lors du dernier maximum glaciaire chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs d’Afrique australe”. IFAS & Witwatersrand Univ., Johannesburg. (from 6/03/2019 to 5/05/2019) (3 Months).
  7. Project grant holder. Project title: "L'Epigravettiano finale del basso versante tirrenico: tecnotipologia delle produzioni e sequenze cronoculturali di Grotta del Romito (Calabria) e di Grotta della Serratura (Campania)". Bando 1443 - prot. n. 21543 del 7/02/2018 – University of Florence, dip. SAGAS. Project advisor: prof. Fabio Martini. (from 1/03/2018 to 31/’8/2018) (6 Months).
  8. Project grant holder “Istituzioni Culturali: eredità del passato, contemporaneità e progettazione del futuro”, 2013, Piano della Cultura 2012-2015; Progetto GIOVANISì. Call n.1: Le fisionomie culturali della fine del Paleolitico in Italia Meridionale sulla base delle collezioni del “Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria” (from 1 March to 31 December 2014) (10 Months).


  1. “Documenting forager adaptations to dramatic climate change at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Liguria (Italy)”. Project led by C. Gravel-Miguel (Research Scientis, New Mexico Consortium). From 2021.
  2. ANR projet “The MileStone Age: Late Pleistocene chronology and technologies in southern Africa”. Project led by C. Tribolo (CNRS, Archéosciences-Bordeaux) and G. Porraz (CNRS-LAMPEA). From 2021.
  3. Programme Collectif de Recherche “PPSup : La Provence au Pléistocène Supérieur”. Project led by Vincent Ollivier (CNRS, LAMPEA), Guillaume Porraz (CNRS, LAMPEA), Isabelle Théry-Parisot (CNRS, CEPAM), et Antonin Tomasso (CNRS, CEPAM). From 2020.
  4. “Projet Bushman”. The Middle and Later Stone Age around the Ohrigstad River Catchment (Limpopo -Afrique du Sud). Project led by A. Val (CNRS, LAMPEA). From 2019.
  5. “La Préhistoire de la vallée du Jabron (Var, France)”. Project led by A. Tomasso (CNRS, CEPAM), G. Porraz (CNRS, LAMPEA) et L. Purdue (CNRS, CEPAM). From 2016.


Direction of archaeological surveys and excavations:


-Inedited sites excavation (BBY1 & BBY3) and survey at Le Gorge de la Bruyère - Comps-sur-Artuby & Seillans (France). (Patriarche - n° 15032, 15033, 15034).


-Mesolithic site La Baume de Monthiver - Comps-sur-Artuby (France). (Patriarche - n° 14553).

Field experiences:

From 2019

-Main sector manager in the Huningneskrans excavation – (Limpopo, South Africa) and participation in the drafting of the report.

2016 to 2021

-Sector manager in the Les Près de Laure open-air excavation - Comps-sur-Artuby (Var, France) and participation in the drafting of the report.


-Archaeological surveys in Oman (Al-Batina region) – Univ. of Pisa, prof. N. Mazzucco.

2008 to 2018

-More than 30 excavation (Grotta del Cavallo, Grotta del Romito, Grotta della Serratura, Grotta dello Scoglietto, etc.) – Univ. of Florence & Siena, Prof. F. Martini & L. Sarti.

-4 experiences in Preventive Archaeology with the cooperative company "Archeologica" (dir. M. Bonanno) and the Soprintendenza per i Beni archeologici della Toscana and Liguria.



Séminaire « À TRAVERS LES MONTAGNES : l'évolution de l'Homme et de son environnement au début de l'Holocène ». 16 février 2024 _ CEPAM-UMR 7264 - Université Côte d’Azur, Pôle Universitaire de Saint-Jean-d'Angély 3. Scientific Committee: Audiard B. & Ricci G.


Séminaire du PCR PPSup : « Singularités et dynamiques de l’espace provençal entre le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire et le début de l’Holocène ». 24 novembre 2022. Scientific Committee: Ricci G., Hoareau L. & Tomasso A.


Conference session: « Hunter-gatherer’s societies in the Southwestern Europe between 18,500-10,000 cal. BP ». Scientific Committee: Vadillo Conesa M., Real C., Ricci G. 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Budapest, Hungary, 31 August - 3 September 2022.


IX IAPP: Incontro Annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria Genova – 3 Marzo 2022. « La tecnica bipolare: produzione, prodotti e funzione dei manufatti litici ». Scientific Committee: Jacopo Conforti, Stefano Grimaldi, Adriana Moroni, Fabio Negrino, Giulia Ricci.



Ricci, G., Tomasso, A., Audiard, B., Hoareau, L., Julien, M.-A., Mologni, C., Padovan, M., Sardelli, G., Sorin, S., Szymanek, M., Porraz, G. 2022 – The First Mesolithic at the Baume de Monthiver, Jabron valley, in Vallée de Préhistoire, 20-24 juin 2022 – Comps-sur-Artuby, Trigance et Quinson.


Ricci, G. – Splintered pieces: an epistemological consideration a century after their first identification, in IX IAPP: Incontro Annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria – La tecnica bipolare: produzione, prodotti e funzione dei manufatti litici. 3 Marzo 2022, Genova.


Ricci, G. & Porraz, G. – Heuningneskrans Rock Shelter : premiers résultats d’une longue occupation Later Stone Age à la frontière orientale du Grand Escarpement (province du Limpopo, Afrique du Sud). Séminaire de recherche Master ASE2P, SMP3C, Pôle Afrique (UMR5608), Nouvelles recherches sur le Later Stone Age de la fin du Pléistocène et début de l’Holocène en Afrique australe (org. Feyfant L., Thomas M.). 17 Nov 2020, Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès.


Ricci, G., Tomasso, A., Audiard, B., Hoareau, L., Julien, M-A., Mologni, C., Purdue, L., Porraz, G., The Mesolithic of La Baume de Monthiver (Vallée du Jabron, Var) : context and nature in a mid-mountain holocene occupation. Meso’2020 - Tenth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, 7-11 Sep 2020 Toulouse.


Ricci, G., From late Palaeolithic to early Mesolithic technologies in southern Italy, joint seminar. at the School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies (GAES/Wits) - IFAS Research (French Institute of South Africa) - 27 March 2019.


Ricci, G., Toniato, G., Il Musteriano di Grotta Spagnoli (Foggia), in Applicazioni tecnologiche allo studio di contesti paleolitici e mesolitici italiani - Application of emerging technologies to Italian Palaeolithic and Mesolithic case-studies, IV annual meeting of Prehistory and Protohistory, 7-8 Févier 2018, Ferrara (Italie).


Ricci, G., Vadillo Conesa, M., Martini, F., Bipolar on anvil: What degree of predetermination? in “From toolstone to stone tools”, 11th International Symposium on knappable materials, Buenos Aires and Necochea (Argentina), Novembre 7-12th 2017.


Articles in peer reviewed journals


Ricci, G., Audiard, B., Tomasso, A., Hoareau, L., Julien, M.-A., Mologni, C., Purdue, L. & Porraz, G. (2023) – Mesolithic Occupations during the Boreal Climatic Fluctuations at La Baume de Monthiver (Var, France). Open Archaeology.


Ricci, G., Porraz, G. & Tomasso, A. (2021) – Les systèmes techniques lithiques à la Baume de Monthiver (vallée du Jabron, Var) dans le contexte du Premier Mésolithique méditerranéen des reliefs subalpins, Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 118, 3, pp. 427-451.


Vadillo Conesa, M., Ricci, G., Bencomo Viala, M., Aura Tortosa, J.E., Martini, F. (2021) – A review of “pièces écaillées” from two lithic assemblages in Mediterranean Europe: Grotta della Serratura (Marina di Camerota, Italy) and Cueva de Nerja (Malaga, Spain), Lithic Technology,  


Tomasso, A., Serradimigni, M., Ricci, G. & Mihailovic, D. (2020) – Lost in transition: between Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene around the Adriatic, Quaternary International,


Ricci, G., Toniato, G., Sala, B. & Martini, F. (2020) – Sintesi tecnico-faunistica del Paleolitico medio di Grotta Spagnoli (Rignano Garganico, Foggia), Rassegna d’Archeologia, 28, pp. 11-43.


Ricci, G., Vadillo Conesa, M. & Martini, F. (2019) – Through diachronic discontinuities and regionalization: the contribution of the analysis of the lithic industries from Grotta della Serratura (Strata 10-9) in the definition of Epigravettian in the southern Italian peninsula. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 24, pp. 175-191.



Book chapters


Ricci, G. (2021) – Le produzioni litiche degli strati N e Q, in Martini F., Sarti L. (Eds.) Grotta del Cavallo nel Salento. Neanderthal, culture e ambienti, Collana Millenni, 23, Studi di Archeologia Preistorica, Firenze, pp. 363-384.


Ricci, G. & Sarti, L. (2021) – La produzione litica dello strato H, in Martini F., Sarti L. (Eds.) Grotta del Cavallo nel Salento. Neanderthal, culture e ambienti, Collana Millenni, 23, Studi di Archeologia Preistorica, Firenze, pp. 245-250.


Martini, F., Ricci, G. & Sarti, L. (2021) – Le produzioni litiche dello strato I, in Martini F., Sarti L. (Eds.) Grotta del Cavallo nel Salento. Neanderthal, culture e ambienti, Collana Millenni, 23, Studi di Archeologia Preistorica, Firenze, pp. 251-276.

Conference proceedings


Cormarèche, E. & Ricci, G. (submitted) – Les techniques de retouches abruptes sur les pointes et lamelles à dos : un exemple de protocole expérimental, in 6th International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, Pézenas (Francia).


Audiard, B., Ricci, G., Porraz, G., Purdue, L., Tomasso, A., Blasco, T., Battipaglia, G. & Thery-Parisot, I. (2021) – Isotopic charcoal analyses as a new proxy to study rapid climatic changes: the Preboral/Boreal warming on the Mesolithic site of “La Baume de Monthiver” (Var, France), in Biodiversités, environnements et sociétés depuis la Préhistoire : nouveaux marqueurs et approches intégrées, Nice, 2021.


Fontana, F., Lo Vetro, D., Martini, F., Peresani, M. & Ricci, G. (2020) – L’Epigravettiano recente-finale in Italia: nuovi dati sugli aspetti locali e interregionali nel Tardoglaciale, in Atti LI Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria. Italy between Europe and the Mediterranean: mobility, interaction and exchange. Forlì (Italy), 12-15 October 2016.


Ricci, G. & Toniato, G. (2018) – Il Musteriano di Grotta Spagnoli (Foggia), in Applicazioni tecnologiche allo studio di contesti paleolitici e mesolitici italiani - Application of emerging technologies to Italian Palaeolithic and Mesolithic case-studies, IV annual meeting of Prehistory and Protohistory, 7-8 February 2018, Ferrara (Italy).


Guerri, M., Ricci, G., Carmignani, L., Romagnoli, F., Sarti, L. & Martini, F. (2017) – Revisione delle industrie di Grotta Spagnoli B (Foggia), in Atti XLVII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria. Preistoria e Protostoria della Puglia, Ostuni (Apulia - Italy), 9-13 October 2013, pp. 145-152.


Romagnoli, F., Carmignani, L., Trenti, F., Nannini, L., Ricci, G., Lo Vetro, D., Martini, F. & Sarti, L. (2016) – Raw material procurement and productive sequences in the Paleolithic of southern Italy: the Tyrrhenian and Ionian areas, en Ressources lithiques, productions et transferts entre Alpes et Méditerranée, in Tomasso, A., Binder, D., Martino, G., Simon, P., Porraz, G., Naudinot, N. (Eds.), Ressources Lithiques, Productions et Transferts Entre Alpes et Méditerranée, SPF, 5. Presented at the journée de la société préhistorique française de Nice, 28-29 mars 2013. Société préhistorique française, Paris, pp.185–205.

 Articles à comité de lecture réduit


Ricci, G., Audiard, B., Hoareau, L., Julien, M.-A., Szymanek, M., Porraz, G., Purdue, L. & Tomasso, A. (2023) – La Baume de Monthiver : un site mésolithique dans la vallée du Jabron (Comps-sur-Artuby – Var). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique français, Actualités scientifiques - Découvertes récentes, 120, 4, pp. 629-633.


Ricci, G. (2022) - Comps-sur-Artuby. La Baume de Monthiver - FP – Paleo et Meso. Bilan scientifique de la région Provence - Alpes - Côte d’Azur 2022. Préfecture de la région Provence - Alpes - Côte d’Azur, direction régionale des affaires culturelles, Service Régional de l’Archéologie.


Ricci, G. (2019) - Les traditions microlithiques Robberg et le dernier maximum glaciaire sur le site d’Heuningneskrans (province du Limpopo, Afrique du Sud), LESEDI, Carnets de terrain Field Notes, 21, Juillet 219, Dossier préhistoire & hommes moderne, CNRS, IFAS recherche, pp. 45-47.


Notarangelo D., Filippi O. & Ricci G. (2018) - Dentro l'umaNitA: una mostra contro la bugia della razza. Sulle onde della Scienza ETS - Associazione Culturale per la Divulgazione e la Didattica Scientifica.



Cormarèche, E. & Ricci, G. 2022 - Les techniques de retouches abruptes sur les pointes et lamelles à dos : un exemple de protocole expérimental, in 6th International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, 25-28 Ottobre, Pézenas (Francia).


Lo Vetro, D., Bertola, S., Ricci, G. & Poggiani Keller, R., 2017 – I santuari megalitici di Cemmo e Ossimo Pat (Valle Camonica). I manufatti in pietra, in LII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria).

Report (selection of only those with first names)


Ricci, G. & Audiard B. avec la collaboration de Gonzalez N., Hoareau L., Julien M.-A., Porraz G., Purdue L., Sardelli G., Szymanek M., Tomasso A. (2023) - Le complexe des Baumes de la Bruyère

(Commune de Comps-sur-Artuby et Seillans, Var), Rapport d’activité de la campagne programmée de 2023, Codes Insee : 83044, Patriarche - Dossier n° 14553. p. 149.


Ricci, G., avec la collaboration de Audiard B., Gonzalez N., Hoareau L., Julien M.-A., Porraz G., Purdue L., Sardelli G., Szymanek M., Tomasso A. - La Baume de Monthiver (Commune de Comps-sur-Artuby, Var), Rapport de fouille 2022, Codes Insee : 83044, Patriarche - Dossier n° 15032, 15033, 15034. p. 130.





  • From 2020: Member of the Italian Institute of Prehistory and Protohistory (IIPP), Florence (Italy).
  • 2021-2024: Candidate selected by the IIPP to be membership of the UISPP for the session: Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia.

Outreach activities

From 2013  to  2019

Participation at several training courses and seminars on the topic of accessibility of cultural heritage: Desing for all, DSA, accessibility & sustainability (Livorno: 30/10/2013, Pistoia: 20/06/2014, Udine & Siena: May 2015, Siena: 4/11/2016, Florence: June 2016, Alessandria; 2019).

Museum Guide, Exhibition Design, Consultancy for exhibition tracks. (2017: A spasso con i Cinque Sensi – Siena; 2016: Progetto ABCD – Arte, Bellezza, Cultura E Diritti – Siena & Firenze; 2016: Icone e Raffigurazioni dalla Preistoria ad oggi - Firenze; 2013-2014: Non Solo Pane – Siena, Massaciuccoli, Alessandria & Grosseto; 2012-2015: I Bambini Raccontano La Preistoria - Firenze).

tél : +33 (0) 6 63 51 59 76

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