22 novembre 2024

Séminaire | The Black Desert in Context: Insights into Cross-Regional Connections in the Levant during Prehistory

Séminaire de recherche des GR PATTERN, MIRAGES et TRAP, et du Master 2P2A

Marie-Laure Chambrade et Hala Alarashi ont le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire « The Black Desert in Context: Insights into Cross-Regional Connections in the Levant during Prehistory » qui aura lieu vendredi 22 novembre, de 14h à 18h15, Salle 10, Campus SJA1. Le séminaire se clôturera par un moment convivial, qui aura lieu, tout comme la pause café, à l’Avant-Scène.

14h – Introduction (M.-L. Chambrade, CEPAM UniCA)

14h20Pachyderms in the Phragmites: The Middle Paleolithic at Ayn Sawda, Azraq, Eastern Jordan (Gary Rollefson, Whitman College)

15h – Beyond the Black Desert: Connections Across the Jordanian-Iraqi Steppes (Stefan L. Smith, Freie Universität Berlin)

15h40 Pause Café

16h Ask for the Old paths and Walk Therein: Regional Implications of the Eastern Badia Archaeological Project 2023 and 2024 Survey Seasons (Alexander Wasse, Yeditepe University – En visio)

16h40Deep Learning in the Margins: Kites, Wheels, and Other Features in the Black Desert, Jordan (Yorke M. Rowan, ISAC, The University of Chicago & Austin “Chad” Hill, Pennsylvania University)

17h20 Hunters, Herders and Trappers of the Jordanian Black Desert: Intensification of Animal Use through the Neolithic (Louise Martin, University College London, Institute of Archaeology)

18h Closing Remarks

18h30 Pot de clôture

22 novembre 2024
Salle 10, Campus SJA1, Nice

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