Org. Pierre Destrée (Louvain) & Arnaud Zucker (Nice)
Avec l’aide du FNRS et du CEPAM (Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS)
Mercredi 6 novembre MSHS (SJA3)—Rdc—Salle plate
- 17h15 – Ouverture du colloque, par Pierre Destrée & Arnaud Zucker
- 17h30 – Giulia Sissa (UCLA): Drôle d’Éros! Amour et humour dans le Banquet
Jeudi 7 novembre Salle du conseil SJA-1 (ISEM)
- 9h15 – Accueil
- 9h30 – Andrea Capra (Durham): Exaggeration and Caricature in Plato
- 10h20 Pause café
- 10h40 – Simone Beta (Bologna): Humour and riddles in Plato
- 11h30 – Iakovos Vassiliou (CUNY): Inside Jokes: Humor at the Beginnings of Plato’s Dialogues
- 12h20 Déjeuner
- 14h00 – Sonja Tanner (Colorado Springs): Airy is the Head that Wears the Golden Crown: Comical Metatheater in Plato’s Ion
- 14h50 – Etienne Helmer (Porto Rico): Humor and Politics in Plato’s Menexenus
- 15h40 Pause café
- 16h00 – Elsa Grasso (Nice): Humour renversant : puissance psychagogique du tragi-comique (Protagoras & Banquet)
- 16h50 – Radcliffe Edmonds (Bryn Mawr): Are you all laughing at me because I am drunk? Humorous banter in Plato’s Symposium
Vendredi 8 novembre Salle du conseil SJA-1 (ISEM)
- 9h30 – Nancy Worman (Columbia/Barnard): Playing with Art in the Republic
- 10h20 Pause café
- 10h40 – Marina Marren (Cairo): The Heavenly and Beautiful Poleis: Tyranny in Aristophanes’ Birds and Plato’s Republic
- 11h30 – Emmanuelle Jouet-Pastré (Nancy): L’échange entre Socrate et Thrasymaque : une mise en scène platonicienne pleine d’humour
- 12:20 Déjeuner
- 14h00 – Pierre Destrée (Louvain): The myth of Er as a comedy
- 14h50 – Darren Gardner (Darthmouth): A Strenuous Game: Humor, Exercise, and Speaking Names in Plato’s Parmenides
- 15h40 Pause café
- 16h00 – Hua-Kuei Ho (Taipei): Laughter and Ignorance: The comic μιμήματα in Plato’s Laws
- 16h50 – Alex Long (St Andrews): Laughter in the Phaedo: laughing at death or familiar Socratic conduct?
Rencontres scientifiques à venir
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