28th afternoon Definition and etymology
2:45–3:15 Welcome and registration
3:15–3:30 Introduction
3:30–4:15 Keynote lecture: Velizar Sadovski (Austrian Academy of Sciences) : Etymological and grammatical reflexions in Indo-Iranian and Graeco-Roman literary sources and pre-scientific texts: poetical, ritualist and philological aspects
4:15–4:50 Rossana Zanetti (Univ. Pisa & Firenze) : Ὑποσημαίνειν δ’ ἔοικε καὶ τοὔνομα: The usage of etymology in Aristotle’s Ethics
4: 50–5:10 Break
5:10–5:45 Benjamin Wilck (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem) : Etymology, Paronymy, and Circular Definition in Aristotle and Euclid
5:45–6:20 David Petrain (Hunter College of the City University of New York) : A cognitive theory of etymology in a scholion to Dionysius Thrax
6:20 END
29th morning 9:30 Glossaries
9:30–10:05 Daria Lekhnovich (Univ. Lumière Lyon 2) : The Etymology of Common Words in Greek Lexicography: The Case of Phrynichus Arabius
10:05–10:40 Francesco Botti (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata) : Εἴρηται παρά…Proposte etimologiche nel Glossario ippocratico di Erotiano
10:40 Break
11:00–11:35 Claudio Felisi (Université de Strasbourg) : Come se la cavavano gli etimologisti antichi in lingue straniere? Ricerche sulle voci « barbariche » degli Etymologica bizantini
11:35–12:15 Presentation of Etygram Dictionary (Claire ca 20mn) & Egascol (Maria & Arnaud ca 20mn)
12:15 Lunch
29th afternoon 2:30 Uses of etymology
2:30–3:05 Brian McPhee (Bilkent Univ.) : The Role of Etymologizing in Mythological Rationalization
3:05–3:40 Megan Bowler (Oxford Univ.) : (Para-)didactic etymologising in Aristophanes
3:40–4:15 Nathalie Rousseau (Sorbonne Univ.) : L’expression du lien entre ὀνόματα et πράγματα dans le traité didactique sur la Dénomination des parties du corps humain de Rufus d’Éphèse
4:15 Break
4:35–5:10 Claudia Gianturco (Univ. Salerno) : Dall’etimologia come veridica all’etimologia come ‘fandonia’: Diogeniano e la denigrazione dello strumento etimologico per confutare il fatalismo stoico
5:10–5:45 Laura Busetto (EPHE, Paris) : « Sed prius de ΕΤΥΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ ». L’etimologia greca come elemento speculativo nel pensiero di Eriugena
5:45 End
30th morning 9:30 EGASCOL in SIENA
Interventions rapides de chercheurs (G. Agosti, S. Beta, C. Felisi, A. Vergados). Jeux étymologiques présentés par les classes, élaborés au cours du semestre. Environ 80 élèves avec leurs professeurs
30th afternoon 2:30 Case studies
2:30–3:05 Eleni Peraki-Kyriakidou (Aristotle Univ., Thessalonique) : Simile and narrative in etymological interrelation. The Role of the term περιβολή
3:05–3:40 Adrien Zirah (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) : Tourner autour de πόλις : la fortune d’une figura etymologica au tournant des Ve-IVe siècle av. J.-C.
3:40–4:15 Cătălin Enache (Univ. Vienna) : Νοῦς, νόμος, and ὄνομα in Platon
4:15 Break
4:35–5:10 Asaf Roth (University of Pennsylvania) : Paronomasia in the Hippias Major
5:10–5:45 Athanassios Vergados (Newcastle Univ.) : An Eranos of etymologies: Plutarch’s Sympotic Questions
5:45 Conclusion and final remarks
Organizing committee
Simone Beta, Maria Chriti, Claire Le Feuvre, Athanassios Vergados, Arnaud Zucker
Program Committee
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