
Program of the International Conference on Etymological Theories and Practice
in Ancient & Byzantine Greece

November 18-20, 2021


Thursday, November 18th

  • 14:45-15:15: Registration
  • 15:15-15:30: Welcome and Introduction by the organizers
  1. Technical aspects of ancient Greek etymology
  • 15:30-16:15: Claire LeFeuvre, Sorbonne Université, “When etymologies beget etymologies: the logic square and the production of new etymologies”
  • 16:15-17:00: Panagiotis Filos, Univ. of Ioannina, “Onomatopoeia and ancient Greek common nouns”
  • 17:00-17:30: Coffee break
  • 17:30-18:15: Marie-Pierre Noël, Sorbonne Université, “Paronomase, paromoiose, parétymologie chez Gorgias : théorie et pratique“
  • 18:15-19:00: Lisa Doyle, Trinity College, “Etymological Practices in the Scholia on Apollonius’ Argonautica
  • 19:00-19:45: Maria Chriti, Aristotle Univ. of Thess., “‘Δύναμις’ as ‘content’ in Orion of Thebes: the philosophical and philological context”
  • 20:30: Dinner

Friday, November 19th

  1. Etymology in propaedeutic, erudite and pedagogical context
  • 09:30-10:15: Michele Bianconi, Univ. di Siena, “Etymologies and word-plays in the book of Genesis: A comparative approach”
  • 10:15-11:00: Andrea Filoni, Univ. di Milano, “Apollodorus in Pergamum, or the conciliation of opposites”
  • 11:00-11:30: Coffee break
  • 11:30-12:15: Athanasios Vergados, Newcastle Univ., “Etymology and the rewriting of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo in Apollonius Rhodius 2.669-719”
  • 12:15-13:00: Pierre Destrée, Univ. Cath. Louvain, “The philosophical uses of etymology in humorous context”
  • 13:15-15:00: Lunch
  • 15:15-16:00 Cecile Margelidon, Université de Tours, “Etymological wordplay: from Greek scholia to Ovid’s poetry of erudition”
  • 16:00-16:45: Margaret Dimitrova,Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski” & Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov, University of Manchester,“Greek Etymologies in Medieval Slavonic Writing”
  • 16:45-17:15: Coffee break
  • 17:15-18:00: Claudia Gianturco, Univ. di Salerno “Celebrare la celata essenza degli dèi: l’etimologia come fonte di rivelazione divina nel Commento al Cratilo di Proclo.”
  • 18:00-18:30: Arnaud Zucker, Univ. Côte d’Azur, “Etymology as overarching pedagogical tool in Cornutus’ Greek Theology
  • 18:30-20:00: Teloglion Museum tour guide
  • 20:00: Dinner

Saturday, November 20th

  1. Etymological practices in Byzantine scholarship
  • 09:30-10:15: Simone Fiori, Sapienza Univ. di Roma, “The concepts of barbarism and solecism in the Byzantine Etymologika”
  • 10:15-11:00: Michael Paschalis, Univ. of Crete, “Etymologizing in John Tzetzes’ Allegories of the Iliad”
  • 11:00-11:45: Eleni Peraki-Kyriakidou, Aristotle Univ. of Thess., “The function of etymology and its terminology in Eustathius’ Παρεκβολαί: the term συγγένεια”
  • 11:45-12:15: Coffee break
  • 12:15-13:00: Paula Caballero, Univ. de Málaga, “La etimología como recurso para el aprendizaje de la geografía”
  • 13:00-13:45: Elias Tsolakopoulos, Ionian Univ. of Corfu, “Ancient Greek Etymologizing in Byzantine Transmission”
  • 13:45-14:00: Closure of the conference
  • 14:00: Lunch
  • 14:30: Thessaloniki tour guide