ETYGR 2016

Friday 18th & Saturday 19th March 2016, Beaulieu/mer (France)

Recent updates: 

  • September 15, 2015: abstract submission deadline
  • October 20, 2015: notification of paper acceptance
  • March 18-19, 2016: conference date


Dates and Submission

We invite papers (10-20 pages) describing researches and innovative ideas covering the topics of the conference. The main focus of the conference is ancient and byzantine Greek texts but studies on modern Greek approaches of ancient language are also possible. Submissions of an abstract (500 words) is expected before september 15 (no extension). Abstracts can be written and talks can be given in French, English, Greek, German, Spanish or Italian. Accepted papers will be published.


Programme committee:

  • Jorge Bergua (Univ. Málaga-Spain)
  • Simone Beta (Univ. Siena-Italy)
  • Michèle Biraud (Univ. Nice-France)
  • David Bouvier (Univ. Lausanne-Switzerland)
  • Luc Brisson (CNRS, Paris-France)
  • Maria Chriti (Centre for the Greek Language, Thessaloniki-Greece)
  • Alexandre Farnoux (Ecole Française d’Athènes-Grèce)
  • Elsa Grasso (Univ. Nice, France)
  • Charles de Lamberterie (EPHE, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres-France)
  • Glenn Most (Univ. Chicago-USA, Univ. Pisa-Italy)
  • Koen Vanhaegendoren (Univ. Liège-Belgium)
  • Arnaud Zucker (Univ. Nice, France)

Programme :

Vendredi 18 mars: matin

9h Accueil

9h15-9h30 A. Zucker, V. Castellana, A. Farnoux, E. Grasso : Ouverture du colloque

Session Théorie et conception antique

Président de séance : Glenn Most

9h30-10h. Elsa Bouchard (Univ. Montréal, Canada) : Étiologie linguistique et discours théologique d’Hésiode à Platon

10h-10h30. Claire LeFeuvre (Univ. Paris Sorbonne, France) : Les éléments implicites dans les raisonnements étymologiques des scholiastes

10h30-11h. Pause

11h-11h30. Marco Romani Mistretta (Univ. Harvard, USA) : Naming the Art, or the Art of Naming: The Etymology of Techne in Plato’s Cratylus 11h30-

11h30-12h. Daniel Petit (ENS Paris, France) : L’étymologie par le contraire chez les Grecs

12h-12h30. Discussion

12h45. Déjeuner


Vendredi 18 mars: après-midi


Session Théorie et pratiques spécifiques

Président de séance : Elsa Grasso

14h30-15h. Nathalie Rousseau (Univ. Paris Sorbonne, France) : τι λαζν στι μρτυς  τυμολογα : Théories et pratiques étymologiques chez Galien de Pergame

15h-15h30. Andrea Filoni (Univ. Milan, Italie) : L’uso dell’etimologia nel Περ θεν di Apollodoro di Atene (e nel suo mediatore Porfirio): uso scientifico o ideologico?

15h30-16h. Maria Chriti (Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας-Θεσσαλονίκη, Grèce) : L‘Étymologie’ comme outil humain pour les commentateurs néoplatoniciens d’Aristote

16h-16h30. Pause

16h30-17h00 David Driscoll (Univ. Stanford, USA) : Spurning Glosses: Etymological Interpretation of Poetry as a Social Phenomenon at Plutarch’s Symposia

17h00-17h30 Georgia Kolovou (Univ. Nanterre Paris X, France) The reception of the etymology in the Commentary of Eustathios on Homer’s Iliad

18h-19h30 : Cinéma

20h30 : Dîner


Samedi 19 mars: matin


Session Ressource poétique et jeux de mots

Président de séance : Arnaud Zucker

9h00-9h30. Pierre Destrée (Univ. Louvain, Belgique) Platon et l’usage humoristique des noms propres

9h30-10h. Christophe Cusset (ENS Lyon, France) : L’étymologie comme ressource poétique chez les poètes alexandrins

10h-10h30. Benoît Louyest (Univ. Montpellier III, France) : Assaisonnements étymologiques. Les jeux sur le langage dans le Banquet des sophistes d’Athénée

10h30-11h. Pause

11h-11h30. Valentin Decloquement (Univ. Lille III, France) : Etymologie fallacieuse et jeux de mots. Les questions homériques factices de Ptolémée Chennos

11h30-12h. Simone Beta (Univ. Siena, Italie) : Jouer (et s’amuser) avec la littérature. Les jeux de mots dans la poésie grecque.

12h-12h30. Discussion

12h45. Déjeuner

14h30-16h. Visite Guidée ou libre de la villa Kérylos

Call for paper : 

This international conference to be held in the Villa Kerylos in March 2016 (03/18-19) aims to attract researchers, mainly philologists and linguists interested in the etymology of Greek language (ancient, Byzantine and modern as well). The ancient Greek conception of etymology is fundamentally different from our modern one and has a much broader meaning. To start with, it allows a rather exceptional plasticity (see, e.g., Plato’s Cratylus) as far as semantic paronomasia is concerned. As ancient scholars understood it, etymology is chiefly a dynamic process aiming at suggesting semantic correlations between words based on phonetic similarities, with a momentous heuristic power. This intellectual game, a very serious one at that, deserves to be investigated since neither is it scientific in character (as modern linguists would describe it) nor can it be labelled as “folk” etymology. It is rather a cultural construction, which is both an art of punning and an attempt to uncover deep semantic motivations. From Homeric epos onwards (see Porph. ad Il. 9.1.160 : Ὁμηρικοῦ ὄντος τοῦ παρετυμολογεῖν), where it appears to be a major concern, a tendency to cluster together words from the same suppoed root or origin seems to become more and more widespread. Some of this spirit is still present in modern practice, although it receives an unmerited discredit. The phonetic proximity of words in a language have an unquestionable effect in the unconscious representation of the world and interconnecting paronymic words has ever had intense attractiveness and heuristic and intellectual interest, either in linguistic theories or in puns or wordplay practices.

One of the issues of this conference is to attract Greek scholars and strengthen scientific relations between Greece and Nice. Another aspect we intend to support in this event is the large diachronic investigation on Greek language from antiquity to modern time.