10h00 Tour de table (présentation des participants)
10h30 Le projet CIMO : vue d’ensemble (Didier Binder)
11h00 Reassessing and updating the NW.-Mediterranean Earliest Neolithic pottery sets and contextual data (Didier Binder et Claire Manen)
11h45 Multi-scale characterization of crystalline geo-materials used for coarse tempered pottery (Chrystèle Vérati)
12h30 Buffet
14h00 Multi-scale characterization of coarse tempered pottery shaping, finishing and firing methods and use-wear (Alain Burr)
14h45 Chemical and bio-chemical characterization of coarse tempered pottery uses (Stéphane Azoulay et Martine Regert)
15h30 Perspectives pour le WP6 (Didier Binder)
16h15 Discussion générale