
The project is realized in the frame of collaboration between the MAEF, Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera and the laboratory CEPAM, UMR 7264 – CNRS – UNS (Unité Mixte de Recherche du CNRS and the Nice University Sophia – Antipolis Cultures – Environnements. Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge) .

It is a project of the team DYNAPP (Landscapes and Growth Population dynamic) which has an objective: the study since the Bronze Age till modern period of the dynamics of settlements landscapes and territories.

It is planned a participation of the platform Analyse et modélisation de données spatiales of the laboratory, in order to make plans analyse and sites modelization, and spatial data concerning the site of Can Blai.

Is equally planned the participation of the technical plateforme Planimétrie 2D et 3D, modélisation et archivage de données data modelization and recording. So, we will be able to realise plans and restitutions 3D of the building of Can Blai .

Participants are the following:

  • Jorge Fernández Gómez, director of MAEF and responsible mining Can Blai between 1979-1980 years. Direction of the Spanish part of the project under the MAEF.
  • Ricardo González Villaescusa, Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis Cultures – Environnements. Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge) . Direction de la partie française du projet au titre du CEPAM – UMR 7264 CNRS-UNS (Cultures – Environnements. Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge).
  • Frédérique Bertoncello, researcher at CNRS – UMR 7264.
  • Frédéric Gayet, Assistant Professor of Roman History, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis, UMR 7264.
  • Marie-Jeanne Ouriachi, Assistant Professor of Roman History, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis, UMR 7264.
  • Gourguen Davtian, engineer at CNRS, Geomatics (GIS, Télédétection, GPS) – UMR 7264.
  • Sabine Sorin, scientific illustrator at CNRS, Restitutions 2D et 3D – UMR 7264.
  • Alejandro Quevedo Sanchez, University of Murcie, African real slip ware specialist.
  • Rodolfo Rubio Martínez, writer and director of documentaries science. Participates in the « I + » research program of the 2 Spanish television channel TVE.