Conservation plan

The project consist in a site’s layers exhaustive totality, after complete elimination of the vegetation, included the only tree remaining after 1980 excavations. So the future visitors will have the whole wiew of the ruins, thanks to a lager of gravel pointing out the difference between the camp’s interior and exterior. This gravel will stop the bad seeds growth. The 3D restitution will show to the visitor, the possibility to apprehend the camp elevation.

Diffusion Proposition

Seven diffusion and scientifically vulgarisation are planned:

Publication in Spanish of a scientific monographic in serial publication Trabajos del Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera.

Publication in French of a scientific monographic in the Editions Errance (Paris).

Publication in English in a specialized scientifically revue.

A Vulgarisation documentary on Can Blai, in the setting of the Low Empire Mediterranean coast protection.

Camps et fortins romains <br width=du bas empire et antiquité tardive
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du bas empire et antiquité tardive
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A web site exclusively dedicated to the Can Blai site.

Program of proceedings 2014

Can Blai, programme conferences-proceedings-conferencias 2014
2.07 – 10h
El registro arqueológico: la estratigrafía, el diagrama de Harris y el dibujo de objetos arqueológicos, por Ricardo GONZÁLEZ VILLAESCUSA, catedrático de Historia Antigua y Arqueología de la Universidad de Niza – Sophia Antipolis – UMR 7264

2.07 – 18h
Historia de la investigación en el yacimiento de Can Blai, por el Dr. Jorge Fernández, director del MAEF y co-director del proyecto Can Blai.

3.07 – 20h
Indiana Jones no es arqueólogo: la arqueología en el siglo XXI, por Emilie Comes Licence Professionnelle Guide Conférencier de la Universidad de Niza – Sophia Antipolis.

4.07 – 20h
20h – Utilisation de la lasergrammétrie dans le cadre de l’étude de Can Blai por Sabine SORIN, dibujante científico, CNRS-UMR 7264,.

Las cerámicas africanas del siglo III d.C., por Ricardo GONZÁLEZ VILLAESCUSA, catedrático de Historia Antigua y Arqueología de la Universidad de Niza – Sophia Antipolis – UMR 7264

7.07 – 20h
Can Blai: los resultados de la campaña de 2013, por Ricardo GONZÁLEZ VILLAESCUSA, catedrático de Historia Antigua y Arqueología de la Universidad de Niza – Sophia Antipolis – UMR 7264

11.07 – 20h
La péninsule Ibérique et les problèmes militaires du IIIe siècle, por Patrick Le Roux, Catedrático emérito de la Universidad Paris XIII.

15.07 – 20h
Le projet géomatique de Can Blai por Gourguen Davtian, ingenieur de recherche CNRS, (GIS, Télédétection, GPS) – UMR 7264.

16.07 – 20h
Un nouveau sens militaire du terme numerus, por Frédéric Gayet, Profesor de Historia Romana de la Universidad de Niza – Sophia Antipolis – UMR 7264.

18.07 – 20h
Romanización y municipalización de las Baleares, por María Luisa Sánchez León, Catedrática de Historia Antigua de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.

22.07 – 20h
El santuario púnico del Cap des Llibrell (Ibiza). Control y referencia para la navegación costera en torno a Ebusus por Joan Ramon Torres, Consell Insular de Ibiza.

24.07 – 20h
Le litus saxonicum (costa sajona), le système litoral et insulaire de protection au bas-Empire, por Raymond Brulet, Catedrático de la Universidad Católica de Lovaina – Bélgica.

29.07 – 20h
La integración de los castella en sus paisajes desde Mesopotamia a Spania en la antigüedad tardía, por Christopher Lillington-Martin, University of Oxford.

30.07 – 20h
Avance de la campaña de estudio de Can Blai 2014, por R. González Villaescusa catedrático de Historia Antigua y Arqueología de la Universidad de Niza – Sophia Antipolis – UMR 7264.

A cycle of public conferences during the ground works:

  • A conference on the Research history on the Can Blai site by Jorge Fernández, excavations director from 1979 – 1980.
  • A conference on « The fortifications and the Empire’s defence, under Diocletian (end of III century) by Michel Reddé, Professor of Roman Archaeology Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Paris.
  • A conference on the byzantine fortifications by M. A. Cau Ontiveros, BA, M.Phil, MA, Ph.D. ICREA Research Professor, Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats / Barcelona University.
  • A conference on the state of knowledge advance on the site of Can Blai by R. González Villaescusa, Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis.
  • A conference on the Agrarian structures and Punic colonization in Ibiza (Baleares) by R. González Villaescusa, Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis.
  • A conference on the Landscape dynamics in the lower valley of the Argens (Fréjus, Var) from the Neolithic to the Roman period by Frédérique Bertoncello, CNRS-UMR 7642 – Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
  • A conference on the From Archaeomedes to ArchaEpigraph: archeology and spatial epigraphy to serve the study of the dynamics of population and ancient territories by Frédérique Bertoncello, CNRS-UMR 7642 – Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis and Marie Jeanne Ouriachi, Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis.
  • A conference on Roman pottery in the western Mediterranean in the third century AD by Alejandro Quevedo, Murcia University.
  • A conference on Instability and transformations in the third century AD: Carthago Nova to Can Blai by Alejandro Quevedo, Murcia University.
  • A conference on Villa and grotto of Tiberius at Sperlonga by Jean-Louis Paillet, CNRS – IRAA, Aix-en-Provence.
  • A conference on Geomatics: Theory and Practice by Gourguen Davtian, engineer at CNRS, Geomatics (GIS, Télédétection, GPS) – UMR 7264.

Cultural mediation in July between the population and tourist. Regular visits in different languages will be organize.
Sala d’actes de l’àrea de Culturai Patrimoni de St. Francesc, av. Porto Saler s/n

Scant description of recording

  • Excavation of remain balks of the ancient excavations and stratigraphy records.
  • Surveys around Can Blai site.
  • Photogrammetric drawing of the site by vertical aerial photography (aerostatical balloon and differential GPS.
  • Reconstitution 3D by structures’s complete sweeping and point’s clouds to produce a numerical replica 3D.


The project is realized in the frame of collaboration between the MAEF, Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera and the laboratory CEPAM, UMR 7264 – CNRS – UNS (Unité Mixte de Recherche du CNRS and the Nice University Sophia – Antipolis Cultures – Environnements. Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge) .

It is a project of the team DYNAPP (Landscapes and Growth Population dynamic) which has an objective: the study since the Bronze Age till modern period of the dynamics of settlements landscapes and territories.

It is planned a participation of the platform Analyse et modélisation de données spatiales of the laboratory, in order to make plans analyse and sites modelization, and spatial data concerning the site of Can Blai.

Is equally planned the participation of the technical plateforme Planimétrie 2D et 3D, modélisation et archivage de données data modelization and recording. So, we will be able to realise plans and restitutions 3D of the building of Can Blai .

Participants are the following:

  • Jorge Fernández Gómez, director of MAEF and responsible mining Can Blai between 1979-1980 years. Direction of the Spanish part of the project under the MAEF.
  • Ricardo González Villaescusa, Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis Cultures – Environnements. Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge) . Direction de la partie française du projet au titre du CEPAM – UMR 7264 CNRS-UNS (Cultures – Environnements. Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge).
  • Frédérique Bertoncello, researcher at CNRS – UMR 7264.
  • Frédéric Gayet, Assistant Professor of Roman History, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis, UMR 7264.
  • Marie-Jeanne Ouriachi, Assistant Professor of Roman History, Nice University Sophia – Antipolis, UMR 7264.
  • Gourguen Davtian, engineer at CNRS, Geomatics (GIS, Télédétection, GPS) – UMR 7264.
  • Sabine Sorin, scientific illustrator at CNRS, Restitutions 2D et 3D – UMR 7264.
  • Alejandro Quevedo Sanchez, University of Murcie, African real slip ware specialist.
  • Rodolfo Rubio Martínez, writer and director of documentaries science. Participates in the « I + » research program of the 2 Spanish television channel TVE.


  • Dates: 8 – 27 july 2013
  • Exhaustive excavation of the balks not excavated during the 1979-1980 interventions.
  • Photogrammetric drawing of the site by vertical aerial photography (aerostatical balloon and differential GPS.
  • Diagnostic and architectural study of the ruins degradations since the last consolidation intervention. Elevation and plan.
  • A visibility model from the site in function of the digital elevation model (DEM) improvement of the one offered in figure 6.
  • Thematic survey in the field of 230 ha around the site and preparation of a LIDAR project (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) in order to identify the micro-relieves and underwood’s sites around Can Blai. In this site, one can find sites in direct relationship with Can Blai, occupied during the same period. According to the population rate (González Villaescusa, Díes 1993), Can Blai is located 450 m away from the site Es Carnatge (nº 78). This site was occupied since the island Punic colonization till the VII century AD without interruption. Can Barber (nº 75), about 1 km south-east of Can Blai, appears in the late Punic phase and last till III century. At least the necropolis directly tied to Can Blai, is located at about 300 m from the site, on the other side of the Mola old way (Gordillo Courcières 1981).
  • In order to integrate the prospection around Can Blai, we plan to create a data-base SIG, with the data from old land surveys conducted by MAEF (Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera). We participed in these surveys and have written an article on the occupation of the ground in the Formentera island (González Villaescusa, Dies, 1993). This data-base will be transferred to the Consell Insular de Formentera for the heritage gestion. It will be useful for the preparation of a research project on standarization of archaeological data surveys of Balearic Islands. We will base our project on the work done by two members of our laboratory (whom one participate to this project, G. Davtian) for the proect PaleoSyr: Paléoenvironnements et occupation du sol en Syrie occidentale durant l’Holocène[[<1>]].

Scientific goals and intervention justification

A double interrogation hangs over the building date’s and on its use. Most of the materials found during the excavation give a probable chronological span, which could have taken place after the Ibiza’s landfill of “Avenida de España” which has been dated between 240 and 260 AD (González Villaescusa 1990, 1993). Besides, the architectural typology found in others north African fortresses with similar characteristics, have been dated at the same period or at the Byzantine period.

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<td><img decoding= Publié le Catégories Scientific goals and intervention justification